If you want some background, read the broad overview at:
Currently headers exist for BASIC flavors:
- FreeBasic - (Windows/Mac/Linux)
- PureBasic - (Windows/Mac/Linux)
- PowerBasic - (Windows)
If you know how to operate a C++ compiler, you can create the latest ØMQ Dll by downloading and compiling the source code from the development trunk here:
If this is little more than you can/want to get into for the moment, just download the compiled windows 32 bit Dll here:
The Dll exposes ØMQ API for windows using the standard C calling convention (CDECL). VB uses STDCALL convention but there are workarounds for this.
If you need to write to Mac/Linux/Win64, you will need to compile for yourself.
Example Code
Compilable example code (Request/Response pattern) for:
The examples have a small ASM function for copying memory to avoid including windows.h just to get the function definition for copymem().
The examples have some error handling included and create a plain text debug file to get you going.
The procedural steps are:
* zmq_init
* zmq_socket (ZMQ_REQ)
* zmq_connect
* zmq_msg_init_size
* zmq_msg_data
* zmq_send
* zmq_msg_init
* zmq_recv
* zmq_msg_size
* zmq_msg_data
* recover response
* zmq_msg_close
* zmq_close
* zmq_term
* zmq_init
* zmq_socket (ZMQ_REP)
* zmq_bind
* zmq_msg_init
* zmq_recv
* zmq_msg_size
* zmq_msg_data
* recover request
* zmq_msg_close
* zmq_msg_init_size
* zmq_msg_data
* zmq_send
* zmq_msg_close
* zmq_close
* zmq_term
Each of these functions is covered in the online manual.
If you would like to contribute the headers for other BASIC flavors, or have feedback, e-mail:
ZeroMQ A T coastrd D O T com
Mailing List
Discussions about this language binding take place on the general zeromq-dev list.