MSI installer
Git + Python + libzmq + pyzmq
- Install Python 2.7 from, and update path in System control panel to match installation directory, the installer does not do this automatically.
- Install Git for Windows (executable) from This does update the path if you ask for a Windows console install.
- Ensure your copy of Git is configured correctly, especially if you plan to commit to the repository:
C:\> git config --global "Your full name"
C:\> git config --global ""
- Open a console and test that git works.
- Create a working directory and clone the two public gits:
C:\> git clone git://
C:\> git clone git://
- Ensure that you have matching branches of pyzmq and zeromq. For the lastest development branch, both should be master.
- Open libzmq\builds\msvc\msvc.sln in Visual C++ and build the solution.1
- First, tell pyzmq where zeromq is:
$ python configure --zmq=../libzmq
configure is a new command, introduced in pyzmq-2.1.4. If you are building older pyzmq, locating libzmq takes a couple of steps:
- [pyzmq <= 2.1.1]: In order for Windows to be able to find the libzmq.dll you built, add the libzmq\lib directory to your PATH.
- [pyzmq <= 2.1.1]: create a file pyzmq\setup.cfg as follows:
library_dirs = ..\libzmq\lib
include_dirs = ..\libzmq\include
replacing ..\libzmq with the path to your libzmq if it's not adjacent to pyzmq.
- Then run:
C:\pyzmq\> python build_ext --inplace
C:\pyzmq\> python test
C:\pyzmq\> python install
If you get errors for missing constants, such as:
error C2065: 'ZMQ_FD' : undeclared identifier
Then your ZeroMQ is probably too old for your PyZMQ.
Installing using MinGW
Steps are easy:
1. You need to install DevKit from Instructions for that are in RubyInstaller website wiki:
Note that this does *not* mean you are installing Ruby. The RubyInstaller project has created this nice little package for bundling MinGW tools, so it's smart to take advantage of it. The tools are 32-bit only so for now these instructions only describe how to install a 32-bit library.
2. Start a command prompt and invoke devkitvars.bat found inside the folder you installed DevKit, this will give you access to MinGW tools.
3. Download ØMQ source somewhere and extract (eg C:\src\zeromq).
4. Compile it using the following commands:
C:\> cd C:\src\zeromq
C:\> sh configure —prefix=C:/zeromq
C:\> make
C:\> make install
Note the use of forwardslash in the second command. The above commands will take a long time to complete, but once it's done, you will find inside C:\zeromq folder the binaries (bin, lib, include).
5) Copy the result binaries
Now you can copy the DLL from inside bin into a directory in your PATH and use it.
6) Don't forget the additional dependencies
Copy libstdc++-6.dll and libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll from DevKit MinGW into the same folder you copied libzmq.dll.
To know where these DLLs are, you can use where, eg:
C:\> where libstdc++-6.dll