Zeromq Post FOSDEM Hackaton Mon 3 Tue 4 Feb 2020

ZeroMQ Post-FOSDEM Hackaton (Mon 3 + Tue 4 Feb 2020)


Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th February 2020, from 9am to late in the night :-)


Chez Hugo Hackerspace
Rue de Laeken 116
1000 Brussels

Drinks and food

For the food, bring your own, and we will order suchis, pizzas, etc… when needed.

How to register?

Choose from the following options:


  • If nobody has better ideas, there was a proposal at to make a sort of distributed ccache using ZMQ technologies, which would allow discardable build nodes to benefit from a "library" of built objects shared by a persistent node (and feed objects into it) more easily than than using a general-purpose shared fliesystem like NFS.

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